The Development of Instructional Model Based on Phenomenon Based Learning to Student Teachers’ Learning Experiences Management Ability

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Chanatip Bubpamas
Ubonwan Songserm


       The purposes of this research were to 1)study problems and needs about instructional model based on phenomenon based learning for enhancement education student’s experiences ability and 2) develop and find the quality of instructional model based on phenomenon based learning for enhancement education student’s experiences ability. The participants consisted of 7 instructor, experts and 47 students in the Early Childhood that obtained by using purposive sampling. Research instruments included of three parts: 1) Document analysis form 2) Instructor and expert opinion interview and 3) Student opinion questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation and content analysis. 

        The research finding were as follows:  1. Instructional model based on phenomenon based learning : activities must be flexible, interesting, and student-centered learning. Encourage students to learning by doing. Inquiry for information from phenomenon that is consistent with the subject which the phenomenon must be a true story that has already happened, consistent with the reality and the context of the learners, the content used in teaching and learning using phenomena must be dynamic. Teaching media must be modern and diverse. Learning resources must be consistent with the phenomenon being studied. There are methods for measuring and evaluating before, during and after teaching and learning. The measuring tools should be diverse, covered with objectives measured and measured from reality.  2. Instructional model based on phenomenon based learning for enhancement education student’s experiences ability (PAPOC Model) consisted of 5 components: 1) Principle 2) Objective 3) Instructional steps 4) Measurement and Evaluation and 5) Supporting factors. The overall quality inspection results were at the high level, (Mean = 4.24 and S.D. = 0.79).

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How to Cite
Bubpamas, C., & Songserm, U. . . (2024). The Development of Instructional Model Based on Phenomenon Based Learning to Student Teachers’ Learning Experiences Management Ability. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(2), 187–202. retrieved from


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