A school-based study on harm to others due to alcohol consumption among youth in Nong Khai Province.

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สิริกร นามลาบุตร
วรานิษฐ์ ลำใย


          This research aims to (1) study the characteristics of alcohol harm to others caused by youth drinking in a specific school in Nong Khai and (2) examine the impact of youth drinking on communities living in and around the school area. The study utilized qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews with 60 informants. This included some 14-year-old to 18-year-old non-drinking students that were selected by teachers. Other informants were their families, teachers, teens outside the educational system, police officers (the chief investigator and his team), the deputy director of the peacekeeping force, representatives from the Nong Khai Provincial Social Development and Human Security Office, retailers, tricycle drivers, and locals in the area who were affected by youth alcohol consumption.

          The study results showed the following: (1) A school-based study on harm to others due to alcohol consumption among youth in Nong Khai Province. Alcohol abuse by teens resulted in negative acts such as brawling, bystanders being unintentionally hit during a brawl, drunk driving accidents, vulgarity, verbal/physical harassment, violating traffic rules, and fear of assaults in public by youth binge drinkers. (2) Communities located in and around the school were disturbed by unbearable and dangerous behaviours of teenage binge drinking such as loud music, rowdy talking, and unlawful motorcycle gangs. The degree of violence could range from not severe to moderate, such as nuisances, quarrels, mild injuries, and alcohol-related crashes. Evidently, daily and occasional drinking at festivities of the youth causes damage to their families. Financially, even though these families have insufficient income for regular household expenditure.

          The research recommend the following: (1) Any relevant agencies should define specific prevention strategies on alcohol control and accessibility by youth. The guidelines must be clear-cut for who and where they were able to inquire when advice was needed. (2) Arrange Youth prevention activities are related to alcohol., such as school rules, Watch out and check to deter, There are measures to prevent alcohol in schools.

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Research Article


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