Health Literacy and Nursing Professionals

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วรรณศิริ นิลเนตร
วาสนา เรืองจุติโพธิ์พาน


Health literacy is an important factor on health status through life span both normal and abnormal states also affects on health behavior and health outcomes. It is an essential skill to achieve good health. The health literate individual can use skills needed to find, understand, evaluate, communicate and use health information. Nursing professionals work closely with both healthy people and patients by focusing on teaching, providing information, counseling and solving health problems. The scope of work covers individuals, families and communities. In addition, they work in all primary, secondary and tertiary health care centers. Therefore, nurses are important staff members of the health care team that can develop people’s health literacy.

This article aims to present the emphasis of health literacy, assessment, components and factors related to health literacy, guidelines for developing of health literacy and roles of nursing professionals on client’s health literacy enhancement. The more health literacy clients get, the better self-care behavior they gain. Therefore, they are healthier and pay less health care cost. Nurses can develop client’s health literacy by using the roles of assessor, health communicator, health media developer, creator of supportive environment for health literacy, encourager and researcher on health literacy issues.

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