Result of Administration Network Management Evaluation to Drive District Health System: DHS Phayao Province

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สุรีย์ภรณ์ เลิศวัชรสกุล
สุทธิพร ชมภูศรี


This evaluation to participating work integrates with the promotion of the prevention, protection and rehabilitation the condition of the people which has the aim to drive of management and connection of the health networks of the district level according to the condition of the problems, the context of the region. Materials and Methods is encourage participation among individuals into practice and the evaluation of the development that applies the 5 steps to measure the development of the Health Ministry and the activity project of the participation work “One District One Project” (ODOP). This project will be carried out in 9 districts in Phayoa Province. There will be an exchange knowledge process among districts of the province to improve the potentiality of the members of the united networks of the provincial levels.  Context Base Learning is used to solve the problems of the region by applying the concept of the participation on management.

The development as a whole to 3 steps, which are: the analysis of information to apply in the plan of the project, the development of the health staff, and the organization of the project to solve the problems. All of the former mentioned is in order to take care of the health of the community by people being involved in integrating the united networks of the villages, sub-districts and districts to promote the learning to solve the problems essentially to care for health. (Essential Care) It should be blended to the nature of the problems in the region where the project is started by the whole district - one project. One district joins the community, the networks of health in the district level. The organization governing the local area supports the budgets and integrates the work of the local area to share the resources and to develop health staff. The information is used to plan the strategy and to plan the combining learning process from the routine practice to research and by using the particular problem and the development of the local area responsible in every district to learn to improve and exchange the learning about health of the family. There is visiting people from house to house and caring for the health of the family and community. There are also the study and exchange the observation of the activities, the traveling between districts and hospitals to promote health of the district level together with the development of the quality of the primary care.  But that development is still different and of various contexts in each area which develops the primary service, It has to cover the situation of the problems, the context of the management of the self care health on the part of the variety of people.

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Research Article


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