Mental health care of adult cancer survivor in the community

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Sujira Foongfaung
Weerawat Thangthum
Phongphan Phawo
Songsalao Natjumnong


Cancer is a chronic illness that is the leading cause of death. Nowadays, the use of advanced technologies and combination therapies could provide effective treatments for patients which increases the number of cancer survivors especially during the first five years after completing therapy; during this period, the progression and recurrence of disease frequently occur; patients might have pain, fatigue and physiological impact such as stress, anxiety, depression and fear of cancer recurrence. Thus, the mental health care of cancer survivors in community is important for patients in this group.

          The purpose of this article was to demonstrate the mental health care of cancer survivors in community. The information includes the importance of mental health care of cancer survivors, the mental health assessment and screening of adults, practice guidelines for the mental health care of cancer survivors, the role of the healthcare team and information linkage including physical treatment and psychological between health care team in hospital/institute and community. The information help to increase understanding multiple dimensions of mental health care that can be used to develop health care plan for cancer survivors in community.

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