Guidelines to Improvement Efficiency of Safety Management Don Wai Floating Market, Sam Pran, Nakhonpathom Province

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Attapon Pornsirirat
Kittanathat Lerwongrat


Research on ways to increase the security effectiveness of Don Wai floating market, Sam Phran district Nakhon Pathom Province have purposes to study the security problems and obstacles of Don Wai Floating Market, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province and to be a guideline to increase the security efficiency of Don Wai Floating Market, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. This research is a qualitative research. In-depth interviews of 15 people. The researcher selected purposive sampling as the data provider.

          The findings of the research were: 1) the problems and obstacles of the security of Don Wai floating market, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province, are the adequacy of the police officers in the operation of security in the Don Wai floating market are few, the strictness of law enforcement is not as strict as it should be. Lack of funds to support tools and equipment to prevent crimes or accidents in helping tourists. There are communication problems and the coordination between government agencies and the private sector is not effective. Traffic system management still needs to increase efficiency. 2) There are 8 ways to increase the security of Don Wai Floating Market, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province, divided into 5 government sectors which are law enforcement, resource management for crime prevention, human development, quality of transportation system development and the use of cooperation between the police and the people in crime prevention, private sector 1 way is to be a good host in the community,1 way is to watch out for crime prevention in the community. And the tourist sector 1 approach, namely raising awareness in tourism activities.

          Suggestions for increasing the security effectiveness of Don Wai floating market, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province is important to bring cooperation between the police and the people to prevent crime. A good understanding between the police and the people is a way to facilitate the police and people in the area to access the root cause of the problem by allowing the people to participate in resolving the problem as well as the integration of work. Together with the police. There are problems proposed together, shared ideas, joint planning, creating a positive relationship with the people. By allowing people to participate in the control and prevention of crime, including the use of resources in the area to benefit By focusing on activities that create cooperation between citizens and the police.

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