Constipation Situation Food Consumption Behavior and Exercise Behavior of Lecturer and Personnel Staff at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University

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Netdao Sanguansin
Wannara Chuenwattana


The cross-sectional descriptive studies were to study constipation situation food consumption behavior and exercise behavior of lecturer and personnel staff at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University and to study the relationship between demographic characteristic knowledge food consumption behavior and exercise behavior with constipation. The sample selected by systematic random sampling were 470 people. A questionnaire was used to collect relevant data. The statistics include descriptive and chi-square test.

          The results found that 14.30% of lecturer and personnel staff had constipation situation had knowledge of food consumption and exercise at moderate. Food consumption behavior and exercise behavior were moderate level. It was found that food consumption behavior and exercise behavior relationship with constipation significant at the 0.05 level but gender, age, working status, average monthly income, congenital disease and knowledge were not significant at the 0.05 level.

          The results of this study suggested that university should be support and promote lecturer and personnel staff to have food consumption behavior with increased fiber and to have exercise behavior for they good health.   

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Research Article


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