Guidelines for handling the safety of crimes committed to passengers of State Railway of Thailand : Case Study of Responsible Areas of Sub-Division 1, Railway Police Division

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Sathaporn Thiansunchai
Dithapart Borwornchai


The objectives of this study were 1) to study the condition of safety management problems related to crimes, and 2) to present guidelines for handling the safety of crimes committed to passengers of State Railway of Thailand under a case study of responsible areas of Sub-Division 1, Railway Police Division. This study used qualitative methodology. In-depth interview was used to collect data from 24 key Informants. Research instrument for data collection was a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed by using content analysis and checking the reliability of the data by triangulation technique.

The results of the research were as follows: 1) in terms of the  condition of safety management problems related to crimes, the results revealed that (1) there were the problems of insufficiency of safety personnel, homelessness, risk area around the canal,  incomprehensive light and closed-circuit cameras (CCTV) within the area and (2) the  policy problems were caused by the management’s job transfer, resulting in discontinued management, and lack of integration in managing policy problems, and 2) criminal safety management guidelines  include (1) manpower rate should be increased while integrating network partners in the field of human security, creating a crime news network , and organizing safety trainings. (2) additional lighting should be installed in the precarious, sensitive, risky area and additional closed-circuit cameras (CCTV) should be installed in the blind spot and (3) public relations channels should be added while adjusting the entrance-exit channel, installing warning signs. In addition, people should be aware and careful to protect their own life and property as well as warn, monitor and participate with authorities.

The research suggestions include an integrated crime safety management plan should be developed and implemented; policies to propose a budget for managing crime safety should be formulated in order to manage, develop systems through integrated collaboration.

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