Assessment of the strategic plan National Alcohol Policy (2011 - 2020)

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Waranist Lamyai
Chet Ratchadapunnatikul
Phongphan Phawo


The objective of this qualitative research was to assess overall performance of the National Alcohol Policy Strategic Plan 2011-2020. The sampling was those responsible for alcohol control. Of agencies, network partners, both the public and private sectors, and the executives. The data were collected using Purposive Sampling by using interview form. Analyze data with content analysis.

        The results of the research showed that the operating process was planned, organizational and personnel were managed. According to the action plan Including evaluation and monitoring. The implementation of the national alcohol policy strategy There is a National Alcohol Policy Strategy Action Plan 2017-2020 developed by the Office of the Alcohol Control Committee, Department of Disease Control, to convert the strategy into action. With cooperation from all network partners and bring it to the relevant agencies to implement in order to achieve the goals set. Which has pushed all provinces to have an action plan to control alcohol.

        The recommendations were found that the office of the alcohol control committee. The existing mechanisms under the Alcohol Control Act BE 2551 should be used to stimulate and expedite cooperation from all sectors in the operation. By relying on the provincial alcoholic beverage control committee Which provincial alcoholic beverage control committee must have a leadership role work more proactively and set to be indicators of alcohol control work in each province. By using the provincial alcoholic beverage control committee mechanism, it is an indicator for work of the alcohol control committee.

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