The Needs towards Business for Elderly Care, Elderly Companion and General Elderly Services

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Kanravee Anuntaakalakul
Kittikran Pandang


This research aims to study (1) the needs for elderly day care services (2) the needs for elderly day care companion services (3) the needs for elderly general service business (4) relationships between elderly general services needs and elderly health condition. This study conducts data by questionnaires from 399 respondents, and analyzes data by frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation and Chi-Square  Test : gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\chi&space;2- test)

        The findings reveal that the members of elderly families want elderly day care services in the high level (M = 3.76). The service aspects that have the most demands are mental ( M = 4.06) social relationship (M = 3.98) spiritual (M = 3.84) and physical aspect (M = 3.54) respectively. Respondents with different education level and income level have different needs  for elderly day care services at the significant level of .05 , whereas the different elderly health conditions have different needs for physical aspect. In terms of elderly day care companion services, respondents have interested in this service in the high level (53.40%). Activity types of this service have relationships with education level, family income and elderly health condition at the significant level of .05. In terms of elderly general service business, the most interesting type of services are Equipment rental (72.40%) House cleaning (69.90) Food delivery (64.90) Stuff buying delivery (62.70) respectively.

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