The Conduct in Accordance with The Regulation on Professional Ethics for Effective School Administrators During The New Normal Era

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Kunlada Arrivong
Narongkoln Thamuang
Thanaphong Khemakhom
Sirinapa Jittrong
Sinat Anamnart
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy
Arungiat Chansongsaeng


According to the current situation, Thailand has been being under the pandemic of Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) which causes huge transformation in many aspects. One of them is social transformation. People have to change their normal daily life to the New Normal a new way of safe living during the pandemic, not even school administrators.    As school administrators are defined as educational profession who has high responsibility with their honor and prestige, they has been recognized and regarded as a good role model for people in their society. Hence, they should apply the regulation of the teacher council on Professional ethics, which divided into 1) Personal Ethics, 2) Professional Ethics, 3) Client Centered Ethics, 4) Collegial Ethics, and 5) Societal Ethics, with the administrator standard

qualities for creating the way of conduct that helps them manage the school during the New Normal era effectively.

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