Risk factors for neutropenia in breast cancer patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy in Hua-Hin hospital

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Daungruthai Pongsubkaroon


This research aims (1) to study risk factors associated with neutropenia, (2) to study chemotherapy risk factors associated with febrile neutropenia, and (3) to study association between neutropenia and febrile neutropenia in breast cancer patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy. The sample used in the research includes medical records of 320 breast cancer patients treated with intravenous chemotherapy. Data analysis using descriptive statistic e.g. percentage, frequency distribution, and inferential statistic e.g. Chi-square.
The result showed that (1) patient risk factor, disease risk factor, and chemotherapy regimen are not associated with neutropenia. However, chemotherapy cycle is statistically associated with neutropenia in breast cancer patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy (p-value <0.001). (2) The chemotherapy cycle is statistically associated with febrile neutropenia in breast cancer patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy (p-value <0.001). (3) Neutropenia is statistically associated with febrile neutropenia in breast cancer patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy (p-value <0.001).

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Research Article


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