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Wannaporn Phasuk
Tanaphon Nitichaowakul
Kanvalai Notakaew Ferry


The objective of this study was to examine factors that influence experiential marketing affecting Thai tourism’s revisiting Pattaya, by studying demographic characteristics, Sense Marketing, Feel Marketing, Think Marketing, Act Marketing, Relate Marketing, destination loyalty and destination revisiting. Data were collected from 248 Thai tourists who visited with tourism characteristics in the form of man-made tourist attraction. through a convenience sampling method, using self-administered questionnaires. This study employed descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, and S.D) and inferential statistics (path analysis) to analyze data. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) to find out which dimensions affecting tourist revisiting in case of Pattaya.
The results found that the motivation factors and the experiential marketing were important to the success of positive experiential marketing were highly correlated to the empirical data. From overall view of A Model of experiential marketing affecting Thai tourism’s revisiting Pattaya; the elements of the experience marketing were consisting of Sense Marketing, Feel Marketing, Think Marketing, Act Marketing, Relate Marketing; The success of the tourists’ attraction loyalty includes visiting repeating, recommend, willing to pay and the success of the Intention to revisiting includes intention, effort, and planning. Simultaneously, experiential marketing has positive impact of both direct and indirect on the tourists’ attraction loyalty and the Intention to revisiting.

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