ITA Leadership Strategy in Digital Age

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Pratabchai Wongchaochan
Thanita Daoprakay
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote


The global trend in the era of globalization may have been created awareness among the world society and also Thai society for a while. When mankind was used to living in the same way as usual. Then what ever happened new growth will create confusion and worry, but human are social animals.  Able to sustain themselves in adapting to living in various forms according to the environment.  The development of objects and technology has changed according to that era itself.  Digital age 5.0 that was not too far from the side that human anticipated anymore technology has replaced many things in daily lives. human was slowly adapting until what have to adapt to keep up with technology and its impact is that human need to be aware and adapt but when material and spiritual prosperity grow in opposite directions, it takes the role of a good leader to advance to a visionary leader have a creative attitude, a positive leader, honesty be a strong leader. Implement smart work strategies with the self-assessment agency’s ITA and information will be publicly accessible that can help assess transparency in digital technology media. The leaders can use this strategy good governance more tangible and concrete.

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