Screening and primary care for depression among borderland soldiers

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sujira Foongfaung
Yuttasart Foongfaung
Aorntira Boonpradit


   Depression is a common mental health problem among borderland soldiers worldwide and in Thailand as well.  Depression is a major problem for Thai borderland soldiers because it reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of their missions. This is caused by stress from financial problems and insecurity in life from performing duties. Thai borderland soldiers need help to address stress and access mental health services. Therefore, depression screening and primary care will be the starting crucial points to solving the depression problems of Thai borderland soldiers. This article aims to present knowledge about the depression screening and primary care of borderland soldiers that can be used by military manpower officers to increase the effectiveness of the depression care operations of borderland soldiers.  The required knowledge about depression includes basic concepts and guidelines for screening, treatments, and treatment follow-up. The guidelines for depression screening include screening with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Suicide Risk Assessment 8 Questions, and diagnosing depression symptoms and signs with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The depression treatment guidelines are approaches for medications, psychotherapy, and natural depression treatments. The guidelines of depression treatment follow-up are approaches that use the results of the primary outcome assessment of treatment response, and secondary outcomes assessment of changing behaviors of exercise, sleeping, and eating.

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