Guidelines for Improving Efficiency in Receiving and Paying Through the Government’s Electronic System (E-Payment): A Case Study of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities/ Mahidol University

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Wraphorn Rujiravanich
Wasinee meewathana


This academic article aims to provide a guideline for improving efficiency in receiving and paying through the government’s electronic e-payment system: a case study of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities/ Mahidol University. The analysis is based on document information and reports from the MU-ERP system for the fiscal year 2021 to 2023 for an overview. The author applies the ECRS concept/ using the questioning principle/ which involves Elimination/ Combination/ Rearrangement/ and Simplification. This analysis aims to improve the efficiency of the electronic e-payment system in receiving and paying through the government’s electronic E-payment systems in the government sector of the faculty. To ensure the successful operations of the faculty in alignment with its goals and mission/ financial and fiscal processes should prioritize the transition towards a fully cashless society. This can be achieved by leveraging technology to facilitate the task of department officials/ making processes more convenient/ efficient/ secure/ ultimately reducing reliance on traditional banking transactions and enhancing overall work efficiency by the committee’s role. In alignment with the country’s strategic plan/ the government sector is actively promoting projects designed to enhance electronic payment infrastructure. These initiatives aim to transition the nation towards a cashless society/ establishing electronic channels for receiving.

The recommendations suggest the development of a payment system that can be transferred through banking services without the need to create master vendor or creditor information in the MU-ERP system. In the case that there are items paid to faculty members/ this will be able to reduce costs in terms of cheque costs shorten the time required to deposit cheques at bank offices and significantly shorten the overall transaction processing time.

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Academic Article


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