Possibilities and guidelines for crime prevention using technology: A case study of corruption prevention in Thailand

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Krisda Saengcharoensap


The qualitative research, there was the objective of this study is to study the possibilities, problems, and obstacles of using technology to prevent corruption in Thailand. As well as suggesting guidelines appropriate to the Thai context in cases where technology will be used to solve corruption problems. The important tools used to collect data by collecting document data contain academic articles, research, laws, and Supreme Court judgments. and in-depth interviews with 22 informants.

          The results of the study found that Thailand has a high tendency to use technology to prevent and solve corruption problems that occur, which can be divided into two levels: using technology at the general public level and the national level. In addition, important problems and obstacles were found, including 1) the lack of up-to-date laws, especially changes in technology; 2) work that is not yet integrated among agencies in the area of preventing or suppressing corruption; and 3) the lack of knowledge, understanding, and negative attitude of the officials involved.

          The guidelines that are appropriate for Thailand in using technology to solve corruption problems include: 1) creating participation for the public sector in investigating corruption. 2) Providing knowledge about technology to officials as well as the public as appropriate. 3) Design the technology system that will be used to detect corruption so that it is difficult to alter or be hacked, and 4) Have appropriate guidelines and transparency in supervising and maintaining the technology system that will be used to prevent corruption in the future.

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