Outcomes evaluation of palliative care for end-stage cancer patients at Quality of Life Care Unit, a Specialty Cancer Hospital

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Donlaya Supeedean
Kanitha Hanprasitkam
Rachanee Namjuntra


This retrospective descriptive study aimed to evaluate palliative care outcomes for
end-stage cancer patients. Fifty-six medical records of end-stage cancer patients admitted at the Quality of Life Care Unit, a Specialty Cancer Hospital, from January to June 2022 were assessed. The FACT-G and ESAS were used to evaluate patients’ quality of life and symptom burden, respectively. Data were followed at 5 times points; the admission date (T1), the discharge date (T2), 1 week (T3), 1 month (T4), and 3 months after discharge (T5). Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, Friedman test, and Wilcoxon Signed Rank test.

The results revealed that end-stage cancer patients’ quality of life at T2, T3, T4, and T5 were higher than at T1, with statistically significant (p<.05). Moreover, symptoms of burden including; pain, tiredness, anxiety, drowsiness, lack of appetite, and worst well-being at T2, T3, T4, and T5 were lower than at T1, with statistical significance (p < .05). However, nausea, depression, and dyspnea did not show significant differences (p>.05) at any time point of assessment.

            The results from this study suggest that a Quality of Life Care Unit for end-stage cancer patients promotes patients’ quality of life and decreases symptoms burden, especially pain and anxiety. Therefore, the Quality of Life Care Unit should develop a quality of care to manage symptoms burden for patients to maintain their quality of life at the hospital and at home.

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