Power Interaction: Comparative Operations of Local Government Between hailand and Indonesia

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พิภพ ชินโคตรพงศ์
รศ.ดร. กฤษณา ไวสำรวจ


This research is a qualitative research. By research papers have In-depth interviews were provided to 9 Keyinformants. The purpose is to study. Power relations of state, democratic structure, and social identity. This is especially true for local government organizations, especially Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and local government organizations, especially Jakarta. By comparison According to studies, it has been found that The model and the interaction of power in the operation of the local government of Thailand, especially the special local administrative organizations, Bangkok and local government organizations, especially the Indonesian local government. Has a strong relationship with political parties. By recruiting leaders of past organizations, the government is trying to apply the principle of decentralization. Therefore, the recruitment of the leaders of the organization is using direct election methods from the people. The internal structure of the organization is characterized by the use of power from top to bottom, thus giving the governor the highest authority in the organization. It is the goal of political parties and interest groups. To use that influence in favor of their own party in the national election. The same is true of Jakarta's case. National political parties and interest groups. It plays a huge role in the local governing body, because the Jakarta team may be appointed by the governor of Jakarta. The Jakarta governor is seen as a key stepping stone to Indonesia's presidency.

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How to Cite
ชินโคตรพงศ์ พ., & ไวสำรวจ ร. ก. (2018). Power Interaction: Comparative Operations of Local Government Between hailand and Indonesia. Rajapark Journal, 12(25), 131–140. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPJ/article/view/121528
Research Article


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