Guidelines for Slow Tourism Development in Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province

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ณัฏฐพัชร มณีโรจน์
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สุวิทย์ สุวรรณโณ


This research aimed to study levels of tourism element, sustainable tourism and slow tourism and to offer guidelines for slow tourism development in Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province. The samples were the 397 tourists who visited Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire which the validity was .959. The 358 questionnaires or 90.17% were returned. The questionnaires were analyzed for mean and standard deviation by descriptive statistics. The result showed that the tourism element in overall was at high level, the sustainable tourism was at high level and the slow tourism was at high score as well. The guidelines for tourism development consisted of designing from community or tourism activities arrangement which used community’s handicrafts as the highlight and gave tourists an opportunity to participate the activity which trained by the handicraft owners, developing the incomplete tourism routes and developing facilities in tourist attractions.

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มณีโรจน์ ณ., & สุวรรณโณ ผ. ด. (2018). Guidelines for Slow Tourism Development in Phanat Nikhom District, Chonburi Province. Rajapark Journal, 12(25), 246–254. Retrieved from
Research Article


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