The Developmental Guidelines on the Informal Education for Quality of Life Improvement of Female Students, Master Degree, Faculty of Education (Regional Campus), Ramkhamhaeng University

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Pongphun Sittichai


This research aimed to study and to compare the developmental guidelines on the informal education for quality of life improvement of female students, master degree, faculty of education (regional campus) Ramkhamhaeng University which the sample units were classified by the year of studying, occupation and domicile. Samples divided into two groups were (1) 787 female students studying in the second semester of the academic year 2015 who were selected by the stratified random samplings technique and (2) 4 of vice presidents of the regional campuses who were selected by the purposive random samplings technique. Rating-scale questionnaire comprised 40 items which showed the reliability of 0.96 and the structured interview form were used as the tool for data collection. Frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, t-test, One-way analysis of variance and multiple comparisons applying Scheffé method were the statistic instruments for data analysis.

            Research findings were as follows;

  1. the developmental guidelines on the informal education for quality of life improvement of female students, master degree, faculty of education (regional campus) Ramkhamhaeng University was at the high level in the overall and in every individual aspect.

  2. Comparing those students differentiated in the year of studying in the overall and in each aspect of: the learning networking aspect, and the library aspect and the mass communication aspect, there were had no statistical difference while the local media aspect had significantly statistical difference.

  3. Comparing these students differentiated in occupation in the overall and in each aspect, there were no significantly statistical difference.

  4. Comparing those students differentiated in domicile in the overall and each aspect of learning network aspect, the library aspect, and the mass communication aspect, there were significantly statistic difference, while the aspect of local media had no statistically significant difference.

  5. Vice presidents as the representative samples launched the tremendously important policy of the informal education for quality of life improvement to both students and community. Networking, cooperation and electronic medias were also the important intervention for the development.

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How to Cite
Sittichai, P. (2018). The Developmental Guidelines on the Informal Education for Quality of Life Improvement of Female Students, Master Degree, Faculty of Education (Regional Campus), Ramkhamhaeng University. Rajapark Journal, 12(26), 229–240. retrieved from
Research Article