The Efficiency of Online Marketing Communication by Using Celebrities on the Influence of Consumer’s Intention buy Dietary Supplements Product

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Prarinya Sadthong


This present study aimed to explore the efficiency of online marketing communication by using celebrities that influenced the consumer’s intention to purchase dietary supplement products. A set of questionnaires validated (0.8607) by experts was utilized to collect data from 400 respondents having experience in buying online products. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regressions. The results of data analysis found that a majority of consumers were single female, age between 26-33 years old, employed in private companies, received education lower than a bachelor’s degree, and gained an approximate income of 10,000 – 20,000 per month. The results of hypothesis testing found that the efficiency of online marketing communication by using celebrities influenced consumer’s intention to purchase dietary supplement products at a statistical significance of 0.05. Considering each aspect, building the brand relationship, purchasing motivation and brand royalty influenced the intention to purchase the products at a statistical significance of 0.05. The overall finding revealed that the efficiency of online marketing communication promoted by celebrities was consistent with the intention to purchase dietary supplement products of customers.

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How to Cite
Sadthong, P. (2020). The Efficiency of Online Marketing Communication by Using Celebrities on the Influence of Consumer’s Intention buy Dietary Supplements Product. Rajapark Journal, 14(36), 119–129. retrieved from
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