A Research and Development on the Course of English for Airline Business

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Arthit Intakaew
Pyha Sudisusadee


This research aimed to design and evaluate the course “English for Airline Business”. The design ESP course was based on the theories of Hedge and Lightfoot, as well as the review of related airlines’ documents and experts in the fields. The sample group was 96 undergraduate students who took the course “English for Airline Business” in the first semester of 2019 and the 3 experts in the field of teaching and working in the ground passenger service. The research instruments were 1) the synthesized form of designing and developing the course, 2) questionnaire, 3) the evaluation form of the designed course, and 4) the interview form. The content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data, whereas the descriptive statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data. The result revealed that the content of the designed course consisting of Welcome to the World of Airlines, Required Skills and Characteristics of Ground Passenger Service Personnel, Ticket and Reservation, Type of Passengers / Seat Arrangement, Travel Documents, Baggage Allowance, Mileage Cards and Lounge Service, Upgrade and Downgrade, Boarding Gate Procedure, and Flight Irregularities. The designed course was mostly evaluated at the good and very good levels.

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How to Cite
Intakaew, A., & Sudisusadee, P. . (2020). A Research and Development on the Course of English for Airline Business. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 61–76. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPJ/article/view/242373
Research Article


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