Policies, Laws and Regulations Concerning Tourist’s Safety of Life and Property in Pattaya City

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Pimporn Srirungraung
Warach Madhyamapurush


The objectives of this research were to study policies, laws and regulations concerning tourist’s  safety of life and property along with enforcement imposed by relevant bodies both in government and private sectors. The investigation was conducted through documentary review combined with in-depth interview with 15 key informants directly involved in tourism safety in Pattaya City. The results of study revealed that there were a number of policies, laws and regulations regarding tourist’s safety promotion exercised over those concerned in the tourism industry such as business owners, hoteliers, tour operators, tour guides and police staffs. It was found that safety measures were taken by government agencies in different ways between periods: general day and long holiday.  Besides, it was found that in private organizations, safety actions taken to prevent danger for their customers included placing warning sign and Installing CCTV etc. However, the enforcement of law and regulation for actors, especially in public sectors was in need of improvement, evidenced by the crimes rate occurred with tourists in the city.

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How to Cite
Srirungraung, P., & Madhyamapurush, W. . (2020). Policies, Laws and Regulations Concerning Tourist’s Safety of Life and Property in Pattaya City. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 246–260. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPJ/article/view/242619
Research Article


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