Effective Capability Enhancement for Efficient Employees in Duty-Free Enterprise

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Jutharat Pinthapataya
Kanokrath Phongphothakul


This research aimed to 1) study the factors of effective capability enhancement for the efficient employees in a duty-free enterprise, and 2) create the model of effective capability enhancement for the efficient employees. In data collection, the informants from the business were combined with 3 groups of people: 1) a group of 5 human resource administrators, who got an in-depth interview; 2) a group of 20 recognized employees, who gave feedback for further study about significant factors of effective capability enhancement; and 3) a group of 5 supervisors, who was responsible for evaluation of the pattern of effective capability enhancement for the efficient employees and approval of a model. All methods for information collection included a semi-structured in-depth interview, a questionnaire for feedback, and an evaluation form on effective capability enhancement for the efficient employees. The overview reliability of the questionnaire for feedback was 0.96. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and content validity ratio (CVR). The quantitative data were analyzed by statistical frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results have been revealed that there were 2 key factors with 5 sub-factors in the model of effective capability enhancement for the efficient employees in the duty-free enterprise. The first key factor, which was the most significant, was self-development. The following factor was human resources development. These factors must work with organizational support dimension. The self-development factor comprised 2 sub-factors with a high significance level which were 1) Education and 2) Training. The human resources development factor comprised 3 sub-factors with a high significance level too, which were 1) Skill Development, 2) Knowledge Development, and 3) Effective Personal Characteristic Development. The model eventually has been approved consensus by the group of advisors as a guideline to enhance effectively the capability of the employees at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pinthapataya, J. ., & Phongphothakul, K. . (2020). Effective Capability Enhancement for Efficient Employees in Duty-Free Enterprise. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 163–177. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPJ/article/view/244143
Research Article


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