The morality teaching’ monks are of the characteristics and the processes of building up the conscious minds to youths to be the good citizens on the bases of Buddha Dhamma

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Phrakhruphimonthammaphan (Manop Palaphan), Dr.
Phramahà Somboon Sudhammo (Thongkeaw), Assoc Prof. Dr.


The purposes of this research were to study the consciousness process, the development of components and characteristics and strategies to enhance the awareness of good citizenship of the youth based on the Buddhist dharma of the education parties and the moral teachings. The study was a mixed method research, specific sample determine the size of the model from the table of Crazy and Morgan. The data provider is the parties involved. There were questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed by using basic statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The result of the research showed that the process of promoting youth to be good citizens of the moral teachings in Thai society and enhancing the consciousness as a whole. There was a high level of opinions. The development of components and characteristics of good citizenship was found that (1) the characteristics of teachers (2) the characteristics of good citizenship of the youth (3) the process of raising awareness and (4) the analysis of the process of good citizenship Strategies for raising awareness of good citizenship of youth on the basis of the Buddhist Dharma of the education partners and the teachings of morals found that the educational policy and direction of the youth development in the Buddhist style. Using Buddhist principles in various forms of the project as a Buddhist school White school Sufficiency Economy Project by using 12 values ​​and proposing strategies for enhancing Buddhist citizenship awareness by training to have a good heart foundation.

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How to Cite
(Manop Palaphan), Dr., P., & Sudhammo (Thongkeaw), Assoc Prof. Dr., P. S. . (2020). The morality teaching’ monks are of the characteristics and the processes of building up the conscious minds to youths to be the good citizens on the bases of Buddha Dhamma. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 121–134. retrieved from
Research Article


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