Relationships, forms of trust and political participation in the democracy of Thai society

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Phaibul Changrien
Pradit Deewattanakul
Tin Prachayapruit
Natthawut Bungchan


This research aimed to study 1) the level of trust and political participation in the democratic system of Thai society, 2) factors that influence trust and political participation in the democratic system of Thai society. 3) Relationship structure model trust and political participation in the democratic system of Thai society, it is survey research. The population is people in Bangkok. The sample group of 1,500 people simple model data collection using questionnaires. And statistical analysis by distributing frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. An analysis of the Lisrel model. The research findings were as follows: 1) The level of political trust in the democratic system of Thai society in terms of political structure is at a high level. Political culture is at the highest level. Social trust is at a high level. And social capital is at a high-level. Participation level Politics in the democratic system of Thai society Political attitude Economic status, Thai society Political communication Political literacy and political mobilization were at the highest level. 2) Factors affecting political trust and political participation in the democratic regime of Thai society were found. The political cognitive component was the most value 1.15, followed by the economic status of Thai society with a value of 0.97 and the political attitude at 0.92 3) The structure of relations, trust and political participation of Thai society is 63% and the forecast coefficient of political-cultural variables 48.00%, social trust 28.00% and social capital 4.00%.

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How to Cite
Changrien, P. ., Deewattanakul, P. ., Prachayapruit, T. ., & Bungchan, N. (2020). Relationships, forms of trust and political participation in the democracy of Thai society. Rajapark Journal, 14(35), 261–275. retrieved from
Research Article


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