Relationship of Destination Image, Experience Economy and Authenticity on Intension to Visit Cultural Attractions of Elderly Tourists
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This research aimed to investigate the effects of destination image (DI) on intention to visit (IV) conditional upon combined levels of experience economy (EE) and authenticity (AU). This study was survey research. Questionnaires were disseminated to 400 elderly tourists in 106 cultural tourism communities across 8 northern provinces of Thailand. Data analysis by structural equation modeling through ADANCO 2.0 and PROCESS 4.0 revealed that tourists signified all 4 constructs in almost all high perspectives. Analysis of three-way interactions, DI*EE*AU, disclosed that the intention to visit was not statistically impacted by the destination image only but by two respective hidden moderators, viz., experience economy and authenticity. High level of both experience economy and authenticity caused steep change in Intention to visit if destination image went higher, but, interestingly, if authenticity receded while experience economy still went high destination image will leave somewhat less effects on intention to visit. It was then concluded that both experience economy and authenticity must both assume high levels in order to accelerate high Intention to visit. And, on the contrary, if the experience economy picked up some lower levels, i.e., medium or low with no regard to levels of authenticity, the destination image will experience a strong tendency to leave negative effect on the intention to visit.
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