Factors Influencing the Loyalty of Mor Lam Fans, Rabeab Watasin Band
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The objective of research on factors influencing the loyalty of Mor Lam fans, Rabeab Watasin band is to study the service marketing mix factors including product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, process, and digital marketing factors that influence the loyalty of Mor Lam fans, Rabeab Watasin band in Thailand. The focus is on studying the target population, namely those who have watched and loved performing of Rabeab Watasin band, including 400 people, using questionnaires as a data collection tool by selecting a purposive sampling and analyzing the results with multiple regression analysis. The results showed that product, physical evidence, process, and digital marketing factors influence the loyalty of Mor Lam fans, Rabeab Watasin band, while price, place, promotion, and people factors do not influence the loyalty of Mor Lam fans, Rabeab Watasin band.
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