Governance System in Influence the Effectiveness of Thai Business Organization

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Vichit Suradinkura


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of governance and effectiveness of the Thai business organization and 2) to study the factors of the governance system influencing the effectiveness of the Thai business organization. It is quantitative research along with qualitative one. The samples used in the research were 400 limited companies in Bangkok. Data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and reference statistics. Collect data by conducting in-depth interviews with key informants. They consisted of 7 senior executives from the private and public sectors concerned. Specifically selected data were analyzed by content analysis. Pastoral care at a high level and considering each component found that the responsibility at the highest level, followed by responses, transparency, jurisprudence, and equality. Participation aspect and the consensus focus, respectively, and 2) the governance factors influencing the effectiveness of the Thai business organization. It was found that the overall effectiveness of the Thai business organization found to be at a high level and when considering each component, it was found that the customer aspect was at the highest level, followed by learning and development. The administrative process of the organization and finance, respectively.

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How to Cite
Suradinkura, V. (2022). Governance System in Influence the Effectiveness of Thai Business Organization. Rajapark Journal, 16(47), 455–469. Retrieved from
Research Article


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