Economic and Financial Factors as Predictor Factors of Stock Returns of Listed Companies in the sSET Index in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Gallayanee Parkatt
Chayoungkan Pamornmast
Yothin Thavikitikul


The objective of this research was to analyse the predictive ability of economic and financial factors affecting the stock returns of listed companies in the sSET Index on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This study focused on all listed companies in the sSET Index with complete data and according to the study conditions for 12 companies.  The study was from January 2016 to December 2021. The data used in the study was secondary, consisting of monthly data on economic factors in Thailand and financial factors of listed companies. The methodology used in the study was time series regression. The results indicated that the exchange rate has a positive effect on stock returns of listed companies while the business sentiment index, consumer price index, interest rate, and firm size show a negative effect. For the price to earnings ratio and business risk, both showed a positive and a negative effect on stock returns. Importantly, all economic and financial factors can predict the stock returns of listed companies in the sSET Index on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Alternatively, lagged economic and financial factors can be used to predict stock returns with statistical significance at 0.05 and 0.10 levels.

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How to Cite
Parkatt, G., Pamornmast, C., & Thavikitikul, Y. (2022). Economic and Financial Factors as Predictor Factors of Stock Returns of Listed Companies in the sSET Index in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 16(49), 146–163. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Gallayanee Parkatt, School of Management Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University




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