School Administrator’s Transformative Leadership Affecting Effectiveness of Schools under the Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office Area 1

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Chalermwit Chimtragoon


The purposes of the current study were to (1) study the transformative leadership of school administrators under the Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office, Area 1, (2) study the effectiveness of schools under the Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office, Area 1, and (3) study the transformative leadership of school principals that affected the effectiveness of schools under the Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office, Area 1. It was a quantitative research. A sample group was comprised of 306 schoolteachers. Data were collected with a questionnaire and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that (1) the overall levels of transformative leadership of school principals under the Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office, Area 1, were high. When inspecting individual aspects, the highest average aspect was intellectual stimulation, followed by inspirational motivation, idealized influence, and individualized consideration, respectively. (2) The effectiveness of schools under Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office Area 1 was high. When inspecting individual aspects, the highest average aspect was an ability to change and develop schools, followed by an ability to develop positive attitudes toward students, an ability to solve internal problems, and an ability to produce students with high academic achievement, respectively. (3) Intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation were factors affecting the effectiveness of schools and co-predicting 43.80 percent.


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How to Cite
Chimtragoon, C. (2023). School Administrator’s Transformative Leadership Affecting Effectiveness of Schools under the Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Office Area 1. Rajapark Journal, 17(54), 354–367. retrieved from
Research Article


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