The Analysis of Causal Factors that Affect the Financial Stability and Stock Returns of Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Uraporn Rakmit
Titaporn Sincharoonsak


The objective of this study was to study the causal factors of financial performance and non-financial performance that affect the financial stability and stock returns of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The design of the research was quantitative and qualitative. The sample used in this study is a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand between 2016 and 2020. There are 322 listed companies that meet the criteria in this study. The study used influence analysis using a linear structural equation model (Path Analysis). The study found that financial performance factors that have a positive influence on financial stability, that is, earnings per share growth rate and revenue growth rate, have a negative influence on financial stability, as do the non-financial factors that affect financial stability, such as prevention and anti-corruption and corporate governance, which have a positive direct effect on financial stability. It was also found that financial stability also has a positive direct effect on stock returns, i.e., stock price, price-earnings ratio, and capital gains yield. The qualitative research results are consistent with quantitative research, which the researcher developed as a financial stability assessment form for stakeholders to use in decision-making. For companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, factors affecting financial stability can be used as guidelines for remediation. Improve the financial structure or non-financial structures that may arise and have an effect on financial stability. Listed companies should pay attention to non-financial factors as well. Because of the financial factor, it may have the opportunity to arise from the management or decorate numbers in financial statements to make investors interested.

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How to Cite
Rakmit, U., & Sincharoonsak, T. (2023). The Analysis of Causal Factors that Affect the Financial Stability and Stock Returns of Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 17(54), 420–435. retrieved from
Research Article


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