Knowledge Frontier of Neurodesign in Education

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Sanit Srikoon
Pantechat Mirattanaphrai


This academic article aimed to illustrate the knowledge frontier of Neurodesign in education. It concludes that Neurodesign in education integrates neuroscience, engineering, and design thinking, covering three levels: (1) The ideal Neurodesign uses Neurodesign to design and develop educational theories, ideals, and values. (2) Operational Neurodesign uses Neurodesign to design and develop various procedures consisting of instructional techniques, teaching methods, strategies, and resources. This level also includes the social and surrounding contexts, such as people, places, and products. (3) The learning outcomes of Neurodesign use Neurodesign to design and develop the learning outcomes, comprising the learning outcomes assessment tools and measurement and evaluation procedures.

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How to Cite
Srikoon, S., & Mirattanaphrai, P. (2024). Knowledge Frontier of Neurodesign in Education. Rajapark Journal, 18(57), 311–324. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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