Human Resource Management and Job Retention: Qualitative Research on University Teachers with Job Satisfaction as Mediator

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Xiaohui Xie
Teetut Tresirichod


This study aims to explore the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on job retention among faculty in public undergraduate universities in China, with a particular focus on the mediating role of job satisfaction. Employing qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews with HR professionals, this research provides valuable insights into how HRM practices influence faculty retention. The results indicate that job satisfaction plays a crucial role in enhancing faculty retention rates. Positive HR practices, such as transparent communication and professional development opportunities, significantly improve teachers' job satisfaction, thereby increasing retention rates. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of leadership satisfaction, career development opportunities, and work-life balance in HRM strategies for faculty retention. A major contribution of this study is the detailed perspective it offers on how HRM practices influence job satisfaction, thereby enhancing the willingness of faculty to remain at public undergraduate universities in China. These insights are of practical significance for administrators in higher education institutions, as they identify specific ways to improve faculty retention rates through the enhancement of HRM practices. The study also acknowledges limitations in sample diversity and size, methodological constraints, and temporal limitations, addresses the limitations by approaching HR professionals, and suggests directions for future research.

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How to Cite
Xie, X., & Tresirichod, T. . (2024). Human Resource Management and Job Retention: Qualitative Research on University Teachers with Job Satisfaction as Mediator. Rajapark Journal, 18(58), 96–115. retrieved from
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