Developing a Model for Reducing Alcoholic Drinking of People in Roi-Et Province

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Kittiphong Phontip
Rangsan Singhalert
Narongrit Sopa


The purposes of the research were 1) to analyze the casual factors affecting alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et Province, 2) to design a model for reducing alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et Province, and 3) to implement and evaluate the model for reducing alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et Province. The research methodology was divided into 3 phases.
Phase 1: The quantitative research method was employed for collecting data and analyzing the direct and indirect casual factors affecting alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et Province. The data was collected by questionnaires from four hundred people in Roi-Et Province who were twenty years old. Path analysis was used for the study.
Phase 2: A model for reducing alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et Province was designed based the data of phase 1. The model was criticized by thirty research participants through the workshop, and the appropriateness of the model was assessed by the experts.
Phase 3: The model was implemented to thirty target populations. The effectiveness of the model was assessed and confirmed by MANOVA (Repeated Measure)
Results of the research were as follows:
1. The casual factors affected directly and indirectly alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et province consisting of the awareness of alcoholic drinking reduction (-0.53), the attitude toward alcoholic drinking reduction (0.25) and the motivations for alcoholic drinking reduction (-0.23). The percentage of the relationship among the variables was 17% (R^2 = 0.17).
2. The study showed that the model for reducing alcoholic drinking of people in Roi-Et Province consisted of six activities: 1) establishing goals and signing an agreement, 2) encouraging the participants by binding people’s wrist, 3) providing the participants with correct and useful knowledge of alcoholic drinking, 4) realizing the alcoholic drinking reduction and building reinforcement, 5) self-ability improvement, and home visit activities.
3. The research results indicated that the number of the alcoholic drinkers reduced significantly after implementing the model at the .01 level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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