The Study of Needs and Methods to Develop Capacity for Physical Education Teachers in Basic Education Level under Nakhon Ratchasima Educational Service Area Office 1-7

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Mongkol Tamungklang
Somkiat Tanok
Chayapol Thongphukdee


The study was purposed in responding 3 objectives; 1) to explore problems towards self- development in Physical Education teachers in Basic Education Level under Nakhon Ratchasima Educational Service Area Office 1-7 2) to investigate the needs to develop capacity for Physical Education teachers in Basic Education Level under Nakhon Ratchasima Educational Service Area Office 1-7 3) to explore the methods to develop capacity for Physical Education teachers in Basic Education Level under Nakhon Ratchasima Educational Service Area Office 1-7. Researchers had assigned the study into 2 main phases; first was the step of study overall problems and needs of Physical Education teachers. The study on this phase was conducted in a way of survey research in order for researchers to obtain information relating to problems and needs of Physical Education teachers. Sample group studied in the study was 350 Physical Education teachers selected by multi-stage random sampling. Tool employed in the study was the poll and the data obtained from the poll would be analyzed by frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation. In the second phase was the brainstorming workshop which was held on September 25, 2012. The attendee consisted of 16 Physical Education teachers in Advisory Level. Data recorded from the brainstorm process was analyzed by employing the Content Analysis and the results were as follow;

1. The sample group possessed one serious problem towards self-development at the high level and 8 problems at medium level. The most serious problem was conducting the research in education, curriculum development followed by innovation and technology development, respectively.

2. The sample group possessed the needs in developing themselves at a high level in every aspect and the most serious aspect that they wanted to develop was the conducting academic research followed by innovation and technology development, and curriculum development, respectively.

3. Physical Education teachers possessed the needs in self-development by attending workshop at high level, which followed by sightseeing to the successful learning centers and establishing learning network respectively, and From PE Advisory Level’s brainstorming, the results towards ways to develop Physical Education teachers were as follows;

3.1 Language and Technology for teachers, PE teachers needed to attend the workshop in providing the English technical terms frequently for Physical Education and they also needed to attend the English Camp which was specially held for Physical Education teachers.

3.2 Curriculum Development, it should be integrated by using instruction via ICT, building a model in learning management plan, designing learning unit and providing workshop which separated attendees into small groups according to their competency.

3.3 Learning Management Aspect, workshop should be arranged in the areas of learning management plan, developing thinking skills and building Physical Education teachers networks.

3.4 Psychology of Teachers, it was recommended that PE teachers should conduct their classes by using Reinforcement techniques, building students’ motivation in classroom, and setting goals by starting teaching from basic to advance level. It should also provide understanding towards the way to create motivation.

3.5 Educational Measurement and Evaluation, teachers should be encouraged to conduct the educational measurement and evaluation in qualitative way by building 5 aspects of basic understanding in Physical Education studies.

3.6 Classroom management, classroom should be conducted according to subject matters and school should be encouraged to organize the corresponded annual plan to financial support. Furthermore, the plan should cover every indicator in Educational Quality Assurance.

3.7 Educational research, it should be training that relates to educational research for Physical Education teachers and research workshop about data analysis by using instant software. Moreover, research data collection in Physical Education should be written in encouraging Physical Education teachers to conduct their research according to Routine to Research principle.

3.8 Academic innovation and technology development, workshop for electronics learning media development or e-learning should be provided. Moreover, there should be Physical Education learning media or innovation competition to support teachers’ media development.

3.9 Professional Teacher, workshop towards legal issues in sports should be held for PE teachers, and there should also set PE teacher model role for others.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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