An Improvement of English Listening Ability of Wing 5 Air Force Officers Receiving Instruction with the Guidebooks Combined with Test-based Tutoring

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Soonthorn Sayasemawong
Sutat Nakjun


The purposes of this study were to: 1)compare the English listening ability of Wing 5 Air Force officers who received listening instruction through the guidebooks and test-based tutoring, with those who received instruction though the guidebooks only and 2) determine the officers’ satisfaction towards the improvement of their English listening ability using the guidebooks and test-based tutoring.

The samples of this study consisted of the Wing 5’s sergeants who were planning to require the promotion in April 2013 and within year 2013-2015 promotion plan. They were assigned into the controlled group and experimental group. The instruments were the lessons plan for the experimental group and controlled group, the English listening ability tests, and a questionnaire for satisfaction towards the instruction. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The results of the study revealed that:

1. After the experiment, the English listening ability of the experimental group and controlled group was significantly different at .05 level.

2. The officers who received the experimental instruction had an overall satisfaction towards the listening instructional practice at high level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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