A Model Development of the Student Council for Citizenship Enhancing in Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Damrong Kerdprai
Wichai Wongyai
Chamroenrat Chitchirachan
Sanguanpong Chuanchom


The purposes of this research were (1) to create the student council development model in enhancing citizenship in schools, (2) to examine the efficiency of the student council development model. The research procedure consisted of 4 steps; step 1) the study of concepts, theories, documents, related research and nterview of school administrators and advisory teachers for the student council’s activities, the operation, the knowledge and understanding, the enhance of citizenship in school, the development, and the creation of the development model, step 2) to create the student council development model in enhancing school citizenship in under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, through conference of eight experts focus group discussion, step3) to examine the efficiency of the student council development model in enhancing school citizenship by collecting the data from 171 school administrators, advisory teachers and chairmen of the student council and the statistics used for the data analysis were mean and standard deviations and step 4) to confirm the student council development model in enhancing school citizenship by 30 school administrators and advisory teachers and chairmen of the student council using the school student council model.

The research findings were as follows:

1. To gain the student council development model in enhancing school citizenship, which consist of 5 factors; 1) introduction 2) objectives, 3) needs4) the practicing model and 5) success condition and appropriateness of the model, as a whole, was at the highest level.

2. The efficiency examination of the student council development model, 5 essential factors are found, and all of them was at the level to the highest level.

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