A Study on Variations of Origins of Khmer Loanwords in the Royal Institute Dictionary

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Janjira Siangchin
Nittaya Rueangsuwan


      This research aimed to study variations of origins of Khmer loanwords in four royal institute dictionaries
which included the Royal Institute Dictionary, published in 1950,1982,1999 and 2011. The researcher used
customized research instruments approved by the research advisor to collect the data. Only establishing words of Khmer origin (Kh) and (Kh related) were collected. Descriptive statistics e.g. percentage were applied in this study.
     The results revealed that there were 148 Khmer loan words which their origins were changed and could
be classified into 10 characteristics, they were loan words of Kh 1) changed to Kh related, 2) changed to origins of other languages, 3) classified as unidentified origins, 4) classified as Kh, 5) classified as unidentified origins, 6) classified as having Khmer origin in Kh and Kh related and also classified as having origins of other
languages, 7) classified as having Kh, 8) loan words of unidentified origins and classified as having Khmer origins Kh related, 9) loan words of unidentified origins and classified as having Khmer origins Khand Kh related, and 10) words of unstable origins. Moreover, it was also found that there were Khmer loan words that lost the properties of establishing words, added words, and lost words.

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