Creative Leadership of the Head of Child Development Centers Affecting the Operational Effectiveness of Child Development Centers in Nakhon Phanom Province

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Natthanicha Phonsrida
Waro Phengsawat
Akkaluck Pheasa


     This research aimed to: 1) Examine the creative leadership levels of the head of the child development centers; 2) Examine the operational effectiveness levels of the child development centers; 3) Investigate the relationship between creative leadership of the head of child development centers and the operational effectiveness of the child development centers; 4) Examine the predictive power in creative leadership of the head of the child development centers that affected the operational effectiveness of the child development centers; and 5) Propose guidelines to develop creative leadership for the head of child development centers that affected the operational effectiveness of the child development centers. The sample were comprised of 307 participants: The directors of Education Religion and Culture Division, Educators, Heads of child development centers, and Child care teachers in Nakhon Phanom Province. The research instruments were 5-rating scale questionnaires.  Data were were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis.
       The findings were revealed that the creative leadership level of the head of the child development centers in overall and each aspect and the operational effectiveness level of the child development centers in overall and each aspect were at the high level. The creative leadership of the head of the child development centers and the operational effectiveness of the child development centers obtained high level of positive correlation with statistical significance at .01. The creative leadership of the head of child development centers in problem solving, flexibility and imagination predicted the operational effectiveness of the child development centers (Y)with statistical significance at the .01. Problem solving development, flexibility development and imagination development  were  the guidelines of  the creative leadership development  for  the  head of child development centers.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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