The Effects of Contemplative Education Activity on Self-esteem of Hotel Employees
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The purposes of this research were to compare self-esteem of 1) the experimental group before and after the experiment, and 2) after the experiment between the experimental group and the control group. The samples used in the research were hotel employees in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, who had worked more than or equal to 1 year and voluntarily participated in the research. By samples were divided into 2 groups in 10 participants each (1) the experiment group and (2) the control group. The research tools consisted of thecontemplative education activity in 2 days, 6 hours a day,and self-esteemscale which is characterized as a 4-rating scale of 24 items with a reliability of .756. The result was analyzed by t-test.
After the experiment, the results showed that
1. The experimental grouphad self-esteem scores higher than before the experiment with statistical significance at .01 level, and
2. The experimental group had self-esteem scores higher thanthe control group with statistical significance at .01 level.
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