The Effects of Self-Efficacy Encouragement Program on Public Mind of Secondary Education Grade 2 Students

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Suni Nimklang
Prayut Thaithani


The purposes of this experimental research were to: 1) Compare the Public Mind of an experimental group student before and after; and 2) Compare the Public Mind after participation between the experimental group and the control group students. The samples in this study were the secondary grade 2 students of 87 students form 806 students studying in second semester of academic year 2020 selected by the cluster random sampling. They were randomly divided into 2 groups: 44 for an experimental group and 43 for a control group. Instrument used in the experiment were the Self-Efficacy Encouragement Program 5 time, 2-4 hours at the time total of 12 hours, and the questionnaire of Public Mind 25 items. Statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The results showed that: 1) The experimental group students had a posttest score statistically higher than before at the .01 level of significance; and 2) the experimental   group students had a score of Public Mind statistically higher than the control group. at the .01 level of significance.

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