Online Active Learning and Teaching for Teacher Education

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Phra Chatsaphon Surapanyo


According to the epidemic situation of COVID-19, online learning and teaching needs to be applied in all instructions. As a result, there are many problems of instruction. The writer of this article, as a lecturer of teacher students, there has a question “how online learning and teaching be effective?”.  This leads to this academic article titled “Online Active Learning and Teaching for Pre-Service Teaching Education”. This academic article aimed to present new knowledge by analyzing and synthesizing the concepts of online learning and teaching and proactive learning using descriptive method. It was found that proactive online learning and teaching included 8 crucial parts: instructors, learners, learning and teaching policy, content, online teaching tools, appointment, additional learning sources, and teaching and learning activities that each section proposed the details of its own concrete operation. The part of teaching and learning activity was important for online active learning and teaching for teacher education students because of teachers and learners had to have activities together in class. There were 6 steps:  Interest generation; Knowledge linkage; Description; Body of knowledge building; Group discussion; and Lesson summary.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)


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