The Study of the Community Health to Learn and Enhance “The Good Mental Health Community” of Wiang Nuea Subdistrict, Wiang Chai District, Chiang Rai Province

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Jamaree prasunin
Noppachai Fongissara
Tanapat Janpipatpong


The research objective was to study community health in order to be the learn and strengthen Mental Health Community. Research methodology was a focus group with leaders and 24 community representatives, and community forum to Knowledge Management of Mental Health to Mental Health Community. The results were found that: 1) The good mental health of the Wiang Nuea community consisted of healthy, mental health, having an intellectual society, and love and unity in the community. Including that people will holistically achieve good health starting from the most important internal factor "Self-esteem" and continue to promote health for the family and the community; and 2) The importance of mental health community was caused by the cooperation of the people in the community “Participation Health” promotion activities, and Illustrated the successful activities of the support of various network partners. Furthermore, it was found that  the learning process that was the knowledge of the community came from the inherent transmission which combined culture, wisdom, occupation, and taking care of one's health within the family.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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