Bystanders and Prevention of Bullying in Schools

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Sornsaluk Nimbute
Ujsara Prasertsin
Thasuk Junprasert


The purpose of this qualitative research was to analyze the perspectives of bystanders to develop a process for preventing bullying. The researcher used in-depth interview methods and analyzed the data by assigning codes to the data and grouping the data into groups based on the subject to be studied. The informants were divided into two groups. Group one was 5 class teachers or subject teachers who teach in upper elementary school aged between 31 to 43 years old with 3 to 22 years of work experience. Group two was 4 upper elementary school students between 9 to 11 years old who had witnessed incidents of bullying in school.

The results indicated a process to prevent bullying in school consisting of 1) observing the situation to analyze events, 2) assessing the bullying situation, 3) taking action in helping friends, and, 4) taking action to protect friends. Moreover, the research found the conditions supporting prevention are self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsibility to decide. Teachers can help pupils learn or encourage development that is age-appropriate, develop their individuality, and establish a sense of self. The findings of this study can be used to establish guidelines for protecting kids from bullying in the classroom, assisting affected students, and creating a program to address bullying.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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