Turning Point for Socializing Preparation in Pilot Home for Children and Youth: Monitoring and Evaluation Disclosed

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Kamolchanok Khumsuwan
Nattawut Kokkrathok


This research article aims to study the turning point for socializing preparation in 5 pilot homes for children and youth and to present the guideline that the Department of Children and Youth can apply to contribute to the turning point. The sample from monitoring and evaluating the socializing preparation in the pilot homes for the Children and Youth Project are 1) 15 practitioners from 4 principal systems and 2) 15 core team leaders from 3 supporting systems of the 5 pilot homes. The instruments that were employed in this research include an In-depth Interview and a Focus Group Interview. Data were analyzed by content analysis and data triangulation.

The result finds that the turning points are linked in 3 aspects, including 1) The practitioners were developed to change in value from the mental side, 2) Children and youth are mentally convinced to adjust the behavior, not the enforcement, and 3) The organization has tools for the systematic management concept leading to the effective teamwork. The problems point out that practitioners of all the pilot homes have been circulated all the time due to the rule and government regulations.

The guidelines that the Department of Children and Youth can apply to contribute to the turning points have 3 dimensions, including 1) practitioners should be concurrently developed both knowledge and mentality skills, 2) hard power should be transferred to soft power, and 3) innovation should be applied to work and personnel development together with the lesson learned and the work direction setting with network partners.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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