The Scientific Literacy in “Food and Nutrition” for Upper Secondary School Students’
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Scientific literacy is an essential element of science learning, especially for assessing students’ scientific knowledge and competencies both in national and international level. This research aimed to explore upper secondary school student's scientific literacy who studied the fundamental science courses from a school located in Bangkok. Data was collected from 201 students using the scientific literacy test in the topic of “Food and Nutrition” by convenience sampling. The test consisted of multiple-choices, complex multiple-choices, and short answers. The data were analyzed by the percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results revealed that 190 students were at Level 2 and lower. and none of them were at Level 5-6. In addition, students had low average score, lower than 50 percents of the full score, in all competencies. Explain phenomena scientifically had a highest average score, followed by an interpret data and evidence scientifically. Evaluate and design scientific enquiry had a lowest average score. These results reflect that science educators need to put much more emphasis on improving students’ scientific literacy in upper secondary school level.
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