Development of Physical Self-Concept Inventory Thai Version
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The purpose of the study was to develop the Physical Self-Concept Inventory (PSCI) into Thai version. The PSDQ consisting of 70 items and 11 components were translated into Thai version by the researcher and the experts. The 430 high school students in the age range 13-18 years under Bangkok metropolitan administration subject were selected through multistage random sampling. The reliability and validity of the PSCI in Thai version were determined by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and factor analysis.
The results of the study showed that the reliability of the PSCI was at the high level (r=0.88). The validity of PSCI was structurally valid and consistent with empirical data at a good level. Therefore the PSCI in Thai version was valid and reliable instrument, and it can be used to further study and develop physical self-concept.
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