The Generativity and Environment Attitude toward Green Products of Consumers in Different Generation Groups: A Case Study in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Onuma Prachpreecha
Thodsaphon Prachpreecha


This research aims to investigate 1) the generativity, 2) the attitude of the environment, and 3) the relations between the generativity and attitude of the environment of the consumer in different generations. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula for the unknown population. The data were collected using the measurement of the values for generativity and environmental attitudes acquisitions were collected from 385 Thai consumers in Amphoe Mueang, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. The group is divided into 4 generations; including Generation B, 35 people, Generation X, 95 people, Generation Y, 150 people, and Generation Z, 105 people. The data were analyzed by using inferential statistics (Pearson's correlation coefficient) at a significance level .01

The research showed that 1) the generativity of different generations of consumers was nonsignificant; 2) the attitude toward the environment of different generations of consumers in awareness of information and knowledge about green products were significance level .01, but the new ecological paradigm (NEP) scale was nonsignificant, and 3) the high negative relationships between different generations consumers and new ecological paradigm were significance level.01 (r = - 0.789)

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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